Archive for April, 2018

Weekly Meeting 14/4/18

April 14th, 2018

Date: 14 April 2018
Time: 8.00-10.00 a.m.
Venue: Classroom 301, 302,303 , small field , space behind canteen
Attendance: 74/92
Teacher advisor: Miss Quah Yee Hooi

First, we started our weekly meeting with drill training. After that, it’s our game time! The games divided into three sections. The first section is to do every action our people in charge says. If you are too slow or do the wrong action, you will be counted out. Then, the second section of the game is to blow balloon inside your cup until it is big enough to lift the cup up and duckwalk to the end. The third section of the game is one member come out and be the instructor to guide whole squad of members that are blindfolded through the obstacles.


Drill training of all members.

Drill training for members that involve in sports day march pass.

Playing games. The member is blowing the balloon until it’s big enough in the cup and duckwalk to the end.

Playing games. The instructor is leading them through the obstacles.

Playing games. Pass the riddle to the end!

Teacher is talking about the sports day march pass’s stuff.

Weekly Meeting 7/4/18

April 13th, 2018

Date: 7 April 2018
Time: 8.00-10.00 a.m.
Venue: Classroom 301, 302
Attendance: 66/92
Teacher advisor: Miss Quah Yee Hooi

It was the Mini Sports Day!The aim of this mini sports day was to improve the members’ physical endurance and the bonding with each other. Members went to different stations located at the field behind the canteen,field in front of the pavilion and classroom 302 to carry out the physical activities. Everyone participated enthusiastically .

Members were transferring a rubber band by using a toothpick in their mouth.

Members were queuing up to hear the rules of the game from the stationer.


Members were jumping rope in front of the stadium.

Ready to carry out physical activities!

A bunch of happy smiles.


Weekly Meeting 31/3/18

April 6th, 2018

Date: 31 March 2018
Time: 8.00-10.00 a.m.
Venue: Classroom 301, 302
Attendance: 68/92
Teacher advisor: Miss Quah Yee Hooi

Firstly,members were separated into two groups,the PSC drill members had their training in front of the auditorium while others went to the carpark to carry out a drill competition.Before the drill competition,members were divided into four groups. A leader was assigned  to each group to teach the members. Everyone learned thoughtfully to win the competition.Before the weekly meeting ended, Ms Quah encouraged all of  the members to take the initiative to join the Sports Day’s marching competition and be active in every coming events.

Members were separated into four groups.

Senior was teaching the junior.


PSC drill team was training.

Ex-senior was teaching the PSC drill members.

Ms Quah was giving a speech to all members.