Weekly Meeting 6 :16/3/19

March 16th, 2019

Date: 16 March 2019
Time: 8.00am – 10.00 am
Venue: AVA classrooms
Attendees: 72/94
Teacher advisor : Ms Mabel Lim

It is our team building day! We carry out team building theory through physical training. For example, squatting down while holding hands and relying on each other’s back could fall down if others do not squat down at the same time. Furthermore, while we are doing planks, one of us fall, we have to redo them. We also play the game that we choose jumping front or back while listening to commands. If one of us jump to the wrong direction, the whole squad will fall down.

Squatting down while holding hands.

Squatting down relying on each other.


If one of us falls down, redo the planks.

If one of you fall, everyone falls down.

Twist while planking.

Listening to commands and jump front or back.

Weekly Meeting 5 : 23/2/19

February 23rd, 2019

Date : 23 February 2019

Time : 8.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m.

Venue : Classroom C2, C3, C4

Attendees: 71/94

Teacher Advisor : Pn Lan Siik Ngie

It was target and safety badge test that day. The members were divided into 3 groups, the safety badge test, the target badge test and PSC drill team. After the badge test, members who went for safety badge course would go for drill training while the target badge test members would go for practical test of target badge. The PSC drill team would go for their physical training.


Target theory test.

Safety basic and advance badge test.


Focus on your test.

Keep up the great work!

The PSC drill team are having their physical training.

Drill training.


The practical test of target badge.

Weekly Meeting 4: 16/2/19

February 16th, 2019

Date : 16 February 2019

Time : 8.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m.

Venue : Classroom C2, C3, C4

Attendees: 73/94

Teacher Advisor : Miss Quah Yee Hooi

We were having our badge courses today! While the new members were having their target badge course, the old members were having their safety basic or advance badge course. The PSC drill team went for their practice as well. After the old members finished their badge course, they went for drill training for 20 minutes.Lastly,we distributed uniform parts to the members who ordered them.


The target badge course.

Write down your notes!


The safety basic badge course.

The safety advance badge course.



Draw your signs please!

Uniform distribution.

Look at the long queue.

Stand still

Orientation Day

January 26th, 2019

Date : 26 January 2019

Time : 8.00 a.m. –  3.30p.m.

Venue : A7,A8 classrooms

Attendees: 81/95

Teacher Advisor : Miss Quah Yee Hooi, Miss Mabel Lim Poh Gaik, Puan Lau Siik Ngie

It was our orientation day! We played a lot of games.The game could help us to improve our team spirit and bond with members. The game needed team work to win. So, did you had fun?

Members are competing each other to get the ball in the last cup. Keep going!


Playing captain ball. Catch the ball!


Run !

Team building time!

Listen to the stationer about the game instructions.

Members have to run to the end without being touching by others to win this game.

AGM 2019

January 19th, 2019

Date : 19 January 2019

Time : 8.00 a.m. – 10.00 a.m.

Venue : Classroom C2, C3, C4

Attendees: 82/94

Teacher Advisor : Miss Quah Yee Hooi, Miss Mabel Lim Poh Gaik, Puan Lau Siik Ngie

Yesterday was our AGM! Leaders did a great job welcoming and introducing BB culture to our new Form 1 members. For example, introducing badges, rules about our BB uniforms and many many more. While our leaders were presenting, all members pay full attention to our leaders who were presenting in front of the class. Lastly, let us welcome all of the new members to our big family!

Let us cheer for the AJKs

Pay attention!

Listen to the teacher

Listen closely

Full attention on the presenter

Listening on the topic Special Interest Group (SIG)

All eyes on the presenters

AJKs and teachers

Registration Day 2019

January 14th, 2019

Date: 14 January 2019

It was our registration day! However, we only have 20 limited space for the form 1’s. After our interview, we chose 20 new form 1 members.Consider yourselves lucky if you joined us! We are sure that you would learn a lot of things throughout the year. Welcome all of the new members for joining us!

Join us now!

Write down your name

There’s no time for you to waste

What a long queue!

Let us thank the AJK’s for their effort

Smile for the camera!



Hari Kokurikulum 2019

January 12th, 2019

Date : 12 January 2019

It is our uniform day! Look at all of our interesting events. We could learn a lot of things. For example, social, camping and leadership skills. Form 1 and their parents came and visited our booth. All leaders were helping in explaining our culture, activities and events. At last, all leaders, officers and teachers took a group photo to record this successful day.

Look at all the interesting knots!

Ask us for more information

Learn about our history!

This is our uniform! Looks pretty, right?

Look at our art and crafts!

These are the trophies and camps we’ve won and join the past years.

A group photo after the recruitment day!

AJK meeting 5/1/19

January 5th, 2019

Date: 5 January 2019

Time: 9:45 – 12:30p.m.

Venue: Classroom C4

It’s our very first AJK meeting in 2019! We were trying our best to get the jobs done before our weekly meetings and make every programme run smoothly. In the mean time, we are learning too. Don’t forget to visit us on 12/1, we are preparing the best of us to show what’s call the Boys Brigade ! We welcome you ,see you later !


Get yourself ready

Let’s find some problems and solve it together.

AJK of 2019. Smile!

Penang State Council Boys’ Brigade Drill Competition 2018

November 21st, 2018

Date:14 July 2018
Venue: SJK(C)Han Chiang

After months of training,there comes one of the most anticipated competition of the year-Penang State Council Drill Competition.This year,PCGHS was one of the teams which was sent by EPCOM for the competition.The team was led by Cpl Chuah Wan Yong.At the end of the day,PCGHS drill squad crowned second placing in the competition and will represent our school in the upcoming National Drill Competition in Pesta.

Our girls look smart!

Uniform checking by madam

Our drill team commander-cpl Chuah Wan Yong

Our drill team members look serious

Drill team family

Pesta 2018

November 21st, 2018

Date:  19 August to 24 August 2018
Venue: Universiti Putra Malaysia

8th Penang Company (EPCOM) emerged as the OVERALL CHAMPION🏆🏆🏆 of the National Boys’ Brigade Pesta 2018 held at Universiti Putra Malaysia.

8th Penang Company,Penang Chinese Girls’ High School crowned the 2nd Runner Up of National Boys’ Brigade Drill Competition 2018,champion of National Dance and 1st Runner Up of National Singing Competition.What an achievement by our girls!!🔥🔥👏👏

Our champion National Dance team


Our singing family

Our girls won the 2nd Runner Up of National Boys’ Brigade Drill Competition 2018 although this was the first time for the drill team to participate Pesta 2018


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